Sunday, June 16, 2013

How to change Facebook profile picture

There are two ways to change a profile picture in Facebook, which we are going to be cleared about, right here.

There are also several reasons why you should have a profile picture defined for your profile. With a profile picture, you can easily be recognized by friends searching you on Facebook, can easily be recognized by friends of friends. Sometimes you might not have in mind to add someone to your Facebook contacts, but immediately recognize their photos, maybe in friends of friends you are amazed and for sure will like to make them friends by adding those you know.  There is also possibility that someone could have your friend request ignored, simply because you have no profile picture and with that they can’t recognize who really you are. There are different people existing with the same names, but they can’t have the same faces too, so a photo should confirm who you are.
Changing a profile picture in Facebook is important so you can update your profile photo even on daily bases, but what if you don’t know how to do that?
It is very simple and all you need is pertinence and time. 

a. Log into your Facebook account and make sure you are viewing the home page to be able to make changes to your profile as easy as possible. Note that if you are not logged in, you will not be able to make any changes. 

b. Click on your profile name from top right or left menu, and then hover (move your mouse over) your present profile picture at left hand side bellow your profile cover image to view more options. 

c. Click “Edit profile picture” or "Change picture" on hover.
d. From the drop down option list, choose "Upload Photo".
e. Choose a picture from you PC in the window that opens, then click open and it will be uploaded. If the picture is too small then you might have to look for another one since Facebook does not allow too small pictures. The process is done and your profile photo is set. Since Facebook updates on daily bases, you might be ask some fewer questions, but you shouldn't be stressed at that point, because the most important part is out.

Another means

If you can’t get through that process, then there is also another means and very easy of course.
a. Click your profile picture from top left or right menu. Click photos in the page that opens. In here you can see your photo albums, with names if at all you did create any. If there are no albums, then don’t worry cuss  you will still be able to access other photos uploaded to your profile on empty ground.

b. Just as you click on each of your photos to view in full size, click settings tap then “Make profile picture” at bottom of the current image in full screen. 

A page opens and prompts you to crop image to your desired position. Use the square light box over the image to adjust witch part of the image should be displayed in your profile. 

c. Click “done cropping” at bottom right of the cropped picture, you are done; good luck.
Your photo is set, but a page reload will confirm everything. 

More other posts to the right side of this page.  

Don't forget to share if you find it helpful please.

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